First Baptist Church, Melrose, Massachusetts

First Baptist Church, Melrose, Massachusetts

Pillars & Foundations was created as a personal activity to explore and experience the services of many different churches, predominantly near where I live in Massachusetts. These institutions are important, often overlooked and even misjudged centers of our communities that seek to make a positive impact on their participants, as well as others, through their generosity and public service. It is possible that through this activity I may eventually consider a long term relationship with one of these pillars and foundations of the community, however I am eager to do a lot of exploring first.

The Building & History: 

The current building was constructed around 1900 (See FBC History). Prior to this some of the church history was complicated, evolving from various Baptist, and Methodist associations within the community which date as far back as 1843. 

The exterior of the church is granite with a dominating bell tower. A large series of stained glass windows flank either side of the sanctuary. The decorative motifs over the large stained glass windows are replicated above diamond paned windows that are features of a chamber to the left of the main sanctuary. The location in the center of Melrose on the corner of Main St. and Upham St. has a prominent influence on the picture book character of the city.

Inside, the varnished wood accents of the choir/organ chamber, and the ceiling, create a sense of warmth. Surprising for a church over a century old, are the curved pews. Often seen in contemporary churches, the amphitheater style arrangement really adds to the character of the building. The coffee hour room, a large space, is separated from the main sanctuary by large glass pane sliding doors which are opened immediately upon the close of the service. 

Who are the Congregation?

First Baptist Church appears to be a close community of the faithful who seek to enrich their surrounding community by paying it forward through living their beliefs, and participating in outreach. They share their sanctuary and space with other faith organizations as well, the Emmanuel Anglican Church, and the Shalom Missionary Church

Who are Baptists?

Baptist churches have a very diverse set of beliefs and many tend to operate independently of each other. The item of commonality may be the belief in adult baptisms (as opposed to infant) to be conducted as an acceptance of Christian faith. First Baptist Churches actually in the United States can be traced back to a historical figure named Roger Williams who believed in separation of Church & State, and was a strong opponent of land confiscation from Native Americans. His beliefs are thought to have had major influences upon the Bill of Rights.

The Service:

What immediately struck me was the incredibly beautiful piano music upon entering the sanctuary, contributing to a meditative, contemplative atmosphere. The bulletin and the monitors by the lectern, stated, "Silent Meditation: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been  called according to His purpose," (Romans 8:28).

The pianist and vocalist Kelvyn Koning (Music Director) at FBC Melrose is incredibly talented with a unique tenor/alto voice and an impressive falsetto. The hymns were often powerful and spirit lifting. If one loves music, and to sing, FBC Melrose has a service that is probably more than 50% music. 

The sermon focused on the story of the apostle Peter denying Christ three times, and how we are all imperfect, yet we can all be redeemed and do good deeds in this world. In Rev. Dee Swilling's sermon, John 21:1-23 was paraphrased, specifically because of how Peter was disappointed when Christ asked three times whether Peter loved him. Ultimately Christ responds telling Peter to take care of, and feed his sheep. Peter, later, after having betrayed Christ three times, does as he was asked, spreading the word of the Christ and establishing the Church. This is intended to be an example how those who have sinned, can redeem themselves, serve goodness, and God's will.

What Does the Congregation Do?

First Baptist Church of Melrose has many ministries and activities engaged in giving back to the community, and enhancing the lives of people with social interaction. 

An example of such outreach is an upcoming "Women's Spring Celebration," (See link for details) which is put on by the Women's Ministry, but is an effort to provide information and raise resources for "Housing Families," an organization based out of Malden, Massachusetts that seeks to prevent homelessness. Other activities are contributions towards Little Dresses for Africa, the food pantry "The Pantry of Hope," volunteering at "My Brothers Table," which provides meals for those in need, and many other efforts.

First Baptist Church is a lovely organization that members are lucky to be a part of, and the community should be thankful to have in their midst. Their examples of kindness and outreach are an inspiration, and clearly make the area better for their efforts.
Text and photographs by George Parks
Sources are embedded in links


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